Kate Fernandez Profile Photo

Hello, my name is Kate Fernandez.

I am an Infinite Energy Healer, Reiki Master, Aromatherapist and Author. My mission is to be a beacon of light to shine the way for others and inspire them to never quit.

I am mum to two beautiful daughters and I have a gorgeous granddaughter too.

I have been fortunate to live in different parts of the world and have worked in different industries and environments, which has provided me with a unique insight on which I have built and developed my skills and therapies.

Like most people, life has dealt me some hard lessons but we would never appreciate the joys of life if we didn’t experience the hard times.

Finally Finding My Voice tells the true and often harrowing account of a woman who has refused to be defeated by life’s unexpected challenges.

Kate’s raw and relentless journey shares the tongue cancer battle that left her with no voice, as well as the bereavements that could have left her broken.

This poignant and powerful story will leave you in awe of Kate’s resilience in always believing that there are good things in your world, no matter what difficulties you face.

Kate has not only found her own voice, but is now offering hope to other people experiencing the toughest of times on their path of grief, loss, and healing.

“Battle-scarred yes, but beautiful in that you didn’t just survive but came out fighting to be heard, fighting to be that voice in the darkness for someone else to cling onto.”

You didn’t just ‘find your voice’, you learned to ‘roar!’  – Andrea Cox

Finally Finding My Voice
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Beautifully BrokenThey have been to hell and back but somehow found the strength to find their way up from the depths of despair.

They are ready to make peace with their past.

They are ready to spread their once broken wings and fly high.

They have not only rewritten their own stories, but now want to give others hope that they too can rebuild their world.

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The Girl Who Refused To QuitThe Girls Who Refused to Quit shares the powerful, real-life journeys of 14 inspirational women. They have all overcome adversity and now want to make a difference with their stories.

They want you to know that no matter what challenges you face, you can hold your head high, believe in yourself, and follow your dreams.

They are The Girls Who Refused to Quit.

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My story

My healing journey has definitely had its twists and turns. Let me give you a little insight so you better understand my journey. I have written about my experiences in journals and notebooks for many years. However, since my own cancer diagnosis in 2012, I have always felt that I would like to share my experiences and my recovery in order to help and support others who may be going through a similar experience.

My diagnosis was of cancer of the tongue which resulted in radical surgery and then radiotherapy treatment. I have an understanding of other cancers, having lost my husband to a grade four brain tumour, my step dad to pancreatic cancer and my mum had surgery for breast cancer.

I feel that there is so much knowledge and support available and sometimes we need to feel guided and supported on our healing journey. It is my intention to help and support others wherever I can and to be a light at the end of what can seem like a very long dark tunnel. Every break in my working life has been due to illness – not necessarily my own but within my family and friends. It has taken a very long time to accept and understand that I am a healer. My heart sings when I’m helping others – the hardest lesson is that I must take care of myself first.

It’s over 10 years since my diagnosis and I do experience some difficulties but I manage these and I am truly grateful every morning when I wake up.

I have shared some of my story in a the collaborative book “The Girls Who Refused to Quit” as well as another book “Beautifully Broken” which will be available in October 2022.

Working with me

I am open to opportunities to share my knowledge in collaborative ways. 

Please contact me to discuss this.
